• Question: By the end of your research, do you think you'll be able to kill every kind of bacteria?

    Asked by 11tophams to Jess on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Jess Bean

      Jess Bean answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Unfortunately there are so many bacteria in the world it would be an impossible task! Bacteria grow so quickly and can change so often that they will always find new ways to out-do us (the little blighters!).Nature has outlived humans by billions of years, and so nature will always win in the ‘evolution’ race. In some ways we don’t want to kill ALL bacteria, as some are actually helpful to us – they keep our gut healthy and regulate our environment.

      What we can hope to do is find various ways of killing certain dangerous bacteria, where if one doesn’t work the others will. This is done already in some ways with antibiotics, but other ways are always useful!
