• Question: Can you die in space ?

    Asked by 11molliehaines to Christina, Colin, Jess, Samaneh, Steve on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Christina Pagel

      Christina Pagel answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Yes! Very easily 🙂 there’s no oxygen in space to breathe – that’s your first problem. Secondly, the pressure inside your body is much more than the pressure on the outside (which is nothing) so all the fluids in your body would try to boil away… if that didn’t kill you, it’s also very cold and there’s loads of nasty radiation around which the earth’s magnetic field normally protects us from and that wouldn’t be good for you at all!

      But if you’re tucked up safely in a space suit or in the space station you’ll be ok!
