• Question: how do people's muscles form a 'six-pack'?

    Asked by caitlingriffin1994 to Christina, Colin, Jess, Samaneh, Steve on 23 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Colin Dick

      Colin Dick answered on 23 Jun 2013:

      A six-pack is made-up of the abdominal muscles (abs) which lie beneath the skin, in front of the stomach. Everybody has these muscles but I suppose some are more toned than others! In order to get a toned six-pack, people often do sit-ups, crunches and other ‘core’ exercises which work the abs by pulling them together. This makes the muscles tight and they increase in size. Cardio exercises (such as running, swimming or cycling) are also required to burn the fat around the abs.

      The thing to remember is that not everyone can get a six-pack that looks toned! The celebs on TV and in magazines are often the lucky ones. It’s great to be fit and healthy but it’s pointless stressing over these things… in my opinion =)



    • Photo: Christina Pagel

      Christina Pagel answered on 24 Jun 2013:

      Plus, to see a six pack you need to be quite lean (ie not have fat around your belly) – you can have really toned abdominal muscles but if they’re covered by a layer fat you can’t see them! This is partly why men have (visible) six packs more than women – they have a naturally much lower percentage of body fat.
