• Question: how do you cure heart deiseases

    Asked by hedyehh to Christina on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Christina Pagel

      Christina Pagel answered on 18 Jun 2013:


      I personally don’t cure heart disease, but i’ve seen enough people who do to answer your questions!

      There are two main things that go wrong with the heart and they get fixed in different ways.

      The first thing is that the plumbing doesn’t work – the heart is divided into 4 separate bits and if there holes between any of the bits, or the connections between the bits are leaky, then this needs to be fixed through surgery. So heart surgeons are very skilled plumbers (but don’t tell them i said that!)

      The second thing is the although the heart is structurally ok, it doesn’t pump the blood round strongly enough – either because the heart muscle is too weak or because it’s too stiff and cant’ contract properly. They fix this by giving someone medicine that helps the heart muscle contract more strongly and by thinning the blood so it’s easier to move around.

      when things get really bad, you can do a heart transplant and give someone a new heart but that’s a treatment of last resort!
