• Question: How many bones do we have and why dont insects have a back bone?

    Asked by ellen123 to Christina, Colin, Jess, Samaneh, Steve on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Jess Bean

      Jess Bean answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      A normal human adult has 206 bones – you have over 300 when you are born but some bones stick together as you grow to form one bone. You are right that insects don’t have a backbone. Instead their bones are on the outside – have a think that whenever you see an insect it has a hard shell. It’s is what an insect has instead of a skeleton.

    • Photo: Christina Pagel

      Christina Pagel answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      Yeah some animals (insects and other animals without backbones) are even transparent so you can see all their bodily fluids inside! yuk.

      here’s are lots of picture of transparant animals
