• Question: what is the weiredest thing you have ever seen an animal do

    Asked by ledw to Christina, Colin, Jess, Samaneh, Steve on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Jess Bean

      Jess Bean answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      At a safari park I saw a lion climb a tree so high that it broke the branch it was stood on and fell out of the tree! It was just like watching a cat jump down from a tree, it landed so lightly!

    • Photo: Christina Pagel

      Christina Pagel answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      well i watched my cat chase her own tail last week which i thought only happened in cartoons!

      i also saw some little monkeys in Bali queuing up to jump off a branch into a fountain over and over again – clearly for fun!
