• Question: what is your main goal to achieve as a scientist?

    Asked by ceryswilson to Christina, Colin, Jess, Samaneh, Steve on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Christina Pagel

      Christina Pagel answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      Hi Cerys,

      That’s a really interesting question and one I’ve just spent a bit of time thinking about…

      I suppose fundamentally i want to know that i’m not wasting my time – that the work I do has an impact and actually changes things for the better. The more I do my job the more I realise that I need to take responsibility for that side of my work (ie making sure something happens) but it’s really hard… But yes, my main goal is that if I find out something useful it then actually changes how things are done…

    • Photo: Colin Dick

      Colin Dick answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      Hi Cerys,

      My main goal now is just to enjoy my work on a day-to-day basis without tearing my hair out =) in truth, I think most scientists do it for all the small successes, because we realise that it’s really difficult to make massive steps forwards unless you’re working with a really big/good team.

      But that shouldn’t stop you from thinking big! When I was at school, I had lots of amazing plans – I now know that I’ll not achieve them, but it’s important to have ambitious targets!


