• Question: Who is your favourite childrens author and which of their books is you favourite. Explain why.

    Asked by braven to Christina, Colin, Jess, Samaneh, Steve on 14 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Steven Gardner

      Steven Gardner answered on 14 Jun 2013:

      Small confession to make, I didn’t really read fiction when I was at school (Sorry!).

      Until I was in my early 20s, the only fiction book I’d ever read (voluntarily!) was the Lord of the Rings. So I guess I’d have to say that.

      I have a few that I recommend for when you get a bit older though, Animal Farm by George Orwell, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Catch 22 by Joseph Heller are books that made a very strong impression on me.

    • Photo: Christina Pagel

      Christina Pagel answered on 14 Jun 2013:

      Hi Braven,

      God, there were so many books I loved! I think when I was about 12-13, I loved the Susan Cooper “Dark is Rising” series – these are 6 books about a boy who has to collect different special medallions from a sort of medieval/King Arthur type alternate reality…


      Dianna Wynne Jones also wrote some excellent books about magic…

      Then a bit later I got into Anne McCaffrey’s Pern books – about humans settling another planet called Pern where they make friends with dragons… doesn’t sound great, but they’re brilliant!

    • Photo: Jess Bean

      Jess Bean answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      When I was younger I was the perfect age for Harry Potter! Those books came out at exactly the same time I started High School so they were perfect!
      Definitely recommend them!
