• Question: Why can't you see light rays unless they reflect of an object?

    Asked by 11hinsonc to Christina, Colin, Jess, Samaneh, Steve on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Steven Gardner

      Steven Gardner answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Well you can, but it would involve looking straight at the sun or a light bulb which you shouldn’t do because it might damage your eyes.

      Everything else you see only because it has reflected light from somewhere else.

    • Photo: Christina Pagel

      Christina Pagel answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      Steve’s right… also while looking straight at the sun isn’t a good idea, starlight is (mostly) not reflected! especially if you’re looking at the stars from space where you don’t have a big atmosphere to get in the way 🙂
