• Question: why do you like helping people so much?

    Asked by jessoliver10 to Christina on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Christina Pagel

      Christina Pagel answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      Hi Jess!

      Well, it’s not something i started off wanting to do – I just wanted to do something interesting.

      But i guess as i got older, you start working out for yourself the big questions “why am I here?”, “what am i going to do with my life?” etc… I’m not religious and I think once we die that’s it. And i believe that human beings are social animals and we need to live together and cooperate with each other so that everyone has a reasonable chance at having a healthy, productive and happy life.

      So I figured, how did I want to leave the world? And i thought that if I could leave it even just a bit better than I left it, then i would feel that I’d done something worthwhile in my life. And because I’m not particularly saintlike or selfless, i had to find something that i found fun and interesting at the same time!

      So basically, I found a job i really like doing but that also means I think that I’m ultimately making a positive contribution to society.
